Reach. Out

Want to know more about NovoNations? Simply write to us using the ‘Contact Us’ button. Or, just browse through our FAQs to learn more about us.




What is NovoNations?

NovoNations is an association for all employees, International as well as Danish, working in Novo Nordisk A/S, Pharmatech Køge, Novo Nordisk Scandinavia AB and NNE Pharmaplan Denmark. NovoNations’ vision is to build and connect global cultures within the organization and promote a global, diverse and inclusive work environment. To learn more, please visit our about us section.


Is NovoNations free to join?

NovoNations offer membership as an annual subscription. Our members will receive exclusive benefits such as invitations to member-only events, site activities, complimentary free drink, reduced entry / registration fees, training programs etc. Visit our membership benefits page to learn more.


Who is eligible to avail NovoNations membership?

Any person employed and remunerated by Novo Nordisk A/S or by a subsidiary of Novo Nordisk A/S is eligible for membership of the Association. Pensioners, regular external parties, etc., are not eligible for membership.  


Can my friends and family join NovoNations events?

Yes, your friends and family can join certain type of events hosted by NovoNations. As they are not part of the NovoNations community, a discounted entry fee or other membership benefits does not apply to them.

Who is managing NovoNations?

The day-to-day administration and governance of the association is managed by the Executive Board, who are elected by the NovoNations members every year during the annual General Assembly.


What is the cost of membership?

The annual membership costs 254 DKK/year and renews automatically at the end of 12 months. Members are notified about auto-renewal process and if you choose to opt out, you can just sign in into your account/profile and cancel your membership before your current subscription period expires.


How does NovoNations protect my personal data?

Handling data responsibly is the top priority for NovoNations. For more information on how we handle your data, please take a look at our Privacy Policy.


Can I get involved more with NovoNations?

Yes, we are always open for people who wants to bring like-minded colleagues together and strengthen the NovoNations community. Visit our Open Positions section to find out more about the available positions and to submit your application.